Failure To Obey Traffic Signs Or Lights
Were you injured in a serious car accident? Did the accident occur because of a driver’s failure to obey traffic signs or lights? If this is the case, you may be entitled to significant financial compensation for your pain. Call Chris Hudson Law Group at (706) 863-6600 to discuss your case.

Every traffic sign and light on the road plays an important role in keeping you safe. These warnings provide essential information and help to ensure smooth traffic flow. However, these lights and signs only make the road safer when every driver follows the rules.
Across the United States, drivers frequently break these traffic laws, causing significant suffering and even death. In 2018, 139,000 people were injured and 846 were killed because of drivers who ran red lights. This shocking statistic demonstrates the dangers of running a red light, but the number of accidents only increases when drivers fail to obey any of the other numerous lights and signs on the road.
What Happens When A Car Accident is Caused By A Failure to Obey Traffic Signs or Lights
The driver who hurt you or your loved ones, when they chose to disobey traffic signals, needs to pay the price for the harm they caused. You have the power to fight back against this driver and demand compensation for your suffering. With this compensation, you can ensure that you have the financial means to seek high-quality medical care while you continue to support yourself and your loved ones.
To make certain that you receive the greatest possible compensation, you need to contact the car accident attorneys at Chris Hudson Law Group. We have years of experience helping our clients win their legal cases after a serious car accident, and we are prepared to do the same for you. Start work on your lawsuit right now by calling Chris Hudson Law Group at (706) 863-6600 today.
Why You Should Always Consult With A Lawyer After A Car Accident
When you are involved in a serious car crash, you may feel overwhelmed by the physical, emotional, and financial stresses you are now facing. You must also determine your next steps if you plan to start a lawsuit against the driver who hurt you. It may seem impossible to meet all of these new demands at once, especially when you need to be focusing on your health and well-being.
However, you do not have to go through this process alone when you hire a car accident attorney. Your attorney will do everything in their power to make this legal process easier for you and your loved ones. They will gather evidence from the accident, discuss your case with insurance providers, and even work with expert investigators and witnesses. The work your lawyer does will not only make this process easier for you, but it will also ensure that you have the best possible chances of winning your case.
Why Choose Chris Hudson Law Group
For the past 15 years, the attorneys at Chris Hudson Law Group have made it our duty to fight for the citizens of Georgia. We have the skills and experience necessary to help you make a strong legal case in your lawsuit against the driver who hurt you. Chris Hudson Law Group has helped our clients receive millions of dollars in compensation by utilizing our innovative and effective legal strategies. We understand that every car accident is different, and we are dedicated to finding the solutions which are best for you and your loved ones.
When you work with Chris Hudson Law Group, you will know that you have a team of attorneys who are as dedicated to your case as you are. We will work with you through every step of your case, answering your questions, and ensuring that we meet your needs. Chris Hudson Law Group is prepared to earn your trust as we work with you to help you win your case.
Traffic Signals On The Road

The lights and signs that are on the road offer drivers a variety of different information. These traffic warnings help to ensure that drivers recognize road conditions and take additional precautions when necessary. Although most people are familiar with traffic signals or stop signs at large intersections, there are numerous different kinds of road signs and signals that drivers must obey in order to keep everyone on the road safe.
If a driver does not understand each of the signs on the road, they will not follow the crucial safety information these signs provide. Some of the most common road signs and lights you may encounter include:
- Yield – watch for other drivers entering the road
- Winding road – slow down for curves ahead
- Flashing yellow lights – slow and proceed only when safe
- Flashing red lights – stop and proceed only when safe
- No right or left turn signs
- No U-turn signs
- Speed limit or speed reduction signs
- Construction work signs – reduce speed and watch for workers
Most of these signs use images to indicate their meaning, so drivers are not distracted by reading a sign. However, if a driver does not take the time to learn the meaning of these signs, or if they ignore them altogether, they place everyone on the road at risk. No matter whether the driver who hurt you disobeyed a traffic warning by accident or on purpose, they have demonstrated reckless behavior on the road and caused you serious pain as a result.
Common Reasons Drivers Do Not Obey Traffic Signs Or Lights
Although some drivers may genuinely misunderstand a road sign or light, the majority of drivers who disobey these traffic warnings know their meaning and choose not to follow these instructions. These drivers may have a number of reasons for failing to obey traffic signs and lights, but each of these reasons is typically the result of carelessness or recklessness while on the road.
Some of the most common reasons a driver may disobey traffic lights and signals include:
- Distracted driving
- Driving while talking or texting
- Road rage
- Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Running late
- Driving at high speeds
- Driving while drowsy

Many drivers who engage in these behaviors believe that nothing bad will happen when they do not follow the rules of the road. They may break these laws frequently, without experiencing any type of consequence, and they may not think about the disastrous effects their actions can have for other drivers on the road. Under the right circumstances, any of these reckless behaviors, which lead drivers to disobey traffic warnings, can cause a serious or even life-threatening car accident.
A driver who fails to follow traffic lights or signs does not take your safety seriously. As a result, you or a loved one are now facing the aftermath of a serious crash, which was not your fault. No one should expect you to pay the price for this car accident, and you have the right to demand compensation.
Possible Injuries After An Accident Caused By A Failure To Obey Traffic Signs Or Lights
Many different factors during a car accident will determine the extent of the injuries you experience. A car’s speed and weight determine the amount of force that your body and your vehicle experience during a crash. If you or the other driver were moving at high speeds or if the other driver was in a large vehicle, you are much more likely to have serious injuries because of this car accident. Additionally, the type of impact on your car, whether from the front, side, or back, can determine the type of injuries you sustain.
Although every car accident is different, there are a variety of injuries that most frequently occur in a car accident, including:
- Bruises or lacerations
- Sprains or strains
- Dislocations
- Broken bones
- Neck or spine injuries
- Traumatic brain injury or concussion
- Internal organ damage
- Paralysis
Any of these injuries may require emergency medical care at the time of the accident. However, many people require additional medical care or rehabilitation for years after the accident occurred. Additionally, you may be unable to return to work after your accident, either temporarily or permanently, or you may struggle to perform basic daily tasks. All of these injuries may cause an extreme financial strain, so you need compensation to help you manage these expenses.
In the most severe car accidents, a loved one may have lost their life, when another driver failed to obey lights or signs on the road. There is no amount of money that will stop the pain you are feeling at this moment. However, you can make certain that you have the means to support yourself after this devastating accident. If a car accident caused the death of a loved one, you need to speak with your attorney about a wrongful death lawsuit. This type of lawsuit can ensure that you get the appropriate amount of compensation for your loss.
Contact A Car Accident Lawyer From Chris Hudson Law Group
If you or a loved one were in a car accident because of another driver’s failure to obey traffic signs or lights, you need to contact Chris Hudson Law Group as soon as possible. Our car accident attorneys are ready to fight for you and your right to compensation. You need financial support right now, so you cannot afford to wait any longer to start your car accident lawsuit.
Contact Chris Hudson Law Group at (706) 863-6600 to begin work on your case with a free legal consultation today.